Tending the Sword (12)

[[ Note to self to look up for tomorrow's...Today's waxing1st quarter Moon in Aquarius (11th House) square Sun in Scorpio (7th house) ]]

Tonight is both the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius and time to tend Nuada's spear in my sort of made up monthly devotional cycle.

Nuada shares his space with Tyr, the statue that you see in the photo.  Because Nuada is not 'cool' I can't find a statue for him.  When I first started to honor him specifically, I remember in vision he sort of looked at me like, "Are you sure you're not looking for someone else?"  

But Nuada is cool.  He freaking gave up his throne in order to benefit the Tuatha De Dananna, as his lost arm made him ineligible.  He received a silver arm from Dian Cecht, before finally having it replaced by a flesh one by Miach and then he could resume the throne.  It' s a clear indication of a leader putting community above self, and if I could tell all our leaders to do the same thing, I wonder where we'd be....

Anywhoo, Nuada's shrine is in the north (and is air).   On his altar right now are gods' eyes (woven with the broken sticks from solstices and equinoxes), three athames, and a bullroarer I got at an EWF a while back. (It sounds really cool).  One of the athames is all "silver" so I use it to symbolize Nuada's sword.  The gods' eyes I will eventually hang somehow.  The mundane act I do (tomorrow) is writing letters to my leaders (senators, representatives, governors, whatever) or some other political activity.

This day I set aside to honor you

Lord of Battles, Keeper of the Sword

Nuada Airgetlám, of the Silver Arm, raise your sword of light

I tend your sword this day, 

Sharpening the blade, I take it up as my own

As the pen that spreads the light of knowledge

Encouraging our own leaders to put the people over themselves

So be it


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