Tending the Flame (23)

 Really should have started last night, but birthday shenanigans had to be had.

I mentioned before being a flame-tender, and this is my shift (sundown last night). I think I take the flame from Bonnie and then pass it on to Shawneen. My 'mundane' act is to look at the various healing lists and send Reiki their direction.

I actually have two Bridhe shrines in the house.  There's one outside too.


This one probably counts as the "working" one, since it is visible and easy to get to.  This is an older picture, but the first 9-10 months of the Pandemic this is where my pandemic prayer would happen.

Shrine Room

This one is in the shrine room ,and since I took this picture I've placed the orange altar cloth on it.  

So then..

Bridhe, hear my prayer
This night, this day, I tend your sacred flame
So that the inspiration of your sacred fire burn within me
And outward to inspire all

I tend your sacred well
So that its healing of its sacred waters flow within me
And outwards to heal all

I tend to your sacred tree
So that the strength of the sacred oak flow within me
And outwards to strengthen all

Bridhe hear my prayer


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