Prayer a Day Challenge: New Beginnings (1)

 A few years back a friend of mine started a "Prayer a Day" challenge, a-la the NaNoWriMo project. There is, of course, a Facebook group, if you're into that sort of thing:

Anyway, I think I shall try this year. But, rather than post every day on FB I think I will post them HERE and then the shame of seeing me forget and give up will only be know by the 2-3 people who read this :)  I will try to remember to share a post around weekly.  You can always check in without me posting though.

They're supposed to be NEW prayers, but there's some I've written and not ever shared that I may add in here just because. But not today!

New Beginnings

A child of earth calls out

I call to my ancestors, who started over and over

I call to the spirits of the land, and their endless rebirth to new beginnings

I call to the gods who watch the cycles of time spiral forward

Stand with me, Kindreds

I take these first steps on a familiar road

And pray to not stray or get stuck or turn back

And to always remember that the sun rises, sets, and rises again

The moon waxes, wanes, and waxes again

The tides ebb and flow, and the year dies and is reborn

And I too can begin anew.


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