Tending the Cave (or Stone; 20)

 Next up on the monthly devotional calendar....Morrighan.

In some ways, she is what started this. I had wanted to figure out a way to honor her monthly as I honored Bridhe.  But what could I "tend" the same way I tended Bridhe's flame?   I had some ....vision? Meditation? Something... where she was standing in front of a cave on a darkened, cloudy, windy night. Trees were bare, but not from the season. 

Fast forward to my current 'Four Treasures of Ireland' fixation and voila!  Morrighan (to me) fits here with the Stone of Destiny, with her connection to sovereignty and what not.

This is the South altar, and due to the focus on the stone (and cave) it's also my Earth altar.  (I know, I know...I've completely fubared the "traditional four quarters!")  Even with the green cloth (which you can't really see), I associate Morrighan with Red.  There's a huge ceramic goblet for her, other candles of  red, white, and black, a couple of figures, a small bottle of red wine.  On the left there's the granite rock that is my symbol of the Stone of Destiny, and in the bottom left there's a clay model of a dolmen I got I think at the Dublin Irish Festival that looks quite cave-like.  There's random other things around it too.

I had been in the habit of doing a free rune reading on my Facebook page. Morrighan's associated with magic and prophecy after all. I need to get back to that.

I call out to the Great Queen

Keeper of the Stone of Destiny, 


Badb, Macha, and Nemain 

Battle-Crow, Sovereign One, Battle-Frenzy

This night I clear the debris from in front of your cave

With awe and respect, I sit and listen

So I may share your gifts with the folk

Morrighan, I honor you.


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