House Spirits and Land Spirits (13,14)

 I keep needing to double up...

LAST night was the first-quarter moon.  I saved some notes for that on an earlier post (to be edited out), but I need to refigure out something.  I'm going to just abandon that for now I think.

So.... I owe two prayers tonight, and I think I'll continue through the Core Order but also my home practice.  Home practice first :)

In my "perfect world," Saturdays are dedicated to the spirits of my home and my land.   I say "my," but I have gradually come to think of it more as a partnership.  I (try) to keep things tidy and orderly, in and out, and my land and house spirits protect and ward.  

(picture of stuff)

Saturdays then are "dedicated" to the house and land spirits. That's the day I generally have more "free" time to do yard work or catch up on house work.  I don't always have that time, AND I don't always do it when I do have the time, but the intent is there.  I light a candle in a holder on my stove (I'll maybe replace my house picture with that one), and put a little milk and honey or something similar into a small offering bowl.  And say something... but what? Maybe this!

Spirits of my Home
I give thanks for the blessings of the past week
of peace, of comfort, of safety
I make you this offering in gratitude
and in hopes of continuing our bargain
That all who come within these walls 
Find the same peace, comfort, and safety.
So be it.

That leaves the spirits of the land outside.  I always feel like they are a bit wilder and freer.  As I said Saturdays are allegedly yard work days, and I try to remember to refill the bird feeders.  Obviously the bird seed itself is an offering...but sometimes I can offer them whiskey or mead. Since they are outside, they can get a little tipsy. :) 

Spirits of my land, noble Bryemari*
I give thanks for the beauty that surrounds me
And the protect that we have forged with blood and magic
May our boundaries always be safe
Open to friends, but closed to enemies
May all who dwell within them be at peace with one another
May the bounty of the land be plentiful in the summer
and protected at rest in the winter
I give you this offering to continue our bargain.
So be it.

*the name Bryemari came to me from a workshop with Skip Ellison where he suggested learning your landspirits names.  I think I got the form of the name from Tolkein?


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