Lunar Eclipse (18)

I always have notes...

Every so often I Google stuff to see if there's either any new research (something translated or found in an archaeological site) or new UPG on things I'm interested in. One of those things I look around for is "Celtic Moon God."  I have the opinion that the Celts were like the Norse in that way, that the Moon was seen as male. Eventually I got a hit on Elatha a king of the Fomhoire, father of Bres (from Tuatha De Danann's Eriu), among others.  He comes to Eriu over the sea on a silver boat, wearing all gold.  The Wikipedia link I just went back to has replaced "Moon" with "Sun". Maybe someone has never heard of Mani.  Anyway, I don't care.  I had started working with Elatha as a moon god, with good results, so I'm going to stick with it.

Likewise, I refer to the Sun in Winter as Grianne (in Summer she is Ainne).

So we are here tonight and I have my bowl of water out on the deck, rose and smoky quartz within. I am hoping I can wake up in time to see the 'big event.'  

Details:   Moon in Taurus, Sun in Scorpio.  The tension is of balancing emotional possessiveness with true inner power.  Holding on vs. letting go.  On my chart, Taurus Moon is in my first house of Self, opposing my Scorpio Sun in 7th house of Partnerships. So...

Photo by Alex Andrews from Pexels

Bright Elatha shining gold in the night
Sailing your silver boat through the deepest dark

Grianne of the golden hair
Saving the world from the depths of the cold

I stand between, I stand in balance
I stand with my shadow
I listen and learn
I release that to which I cling, which no longer serves
I emerge from between
With clarity and compassion

So be it


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