Imbolc is my favorite

 Okay, you're right. they're all my favorite.  But Imbolc is different!

No, I really mean it.  Imbolc holds many memories of awesomeness on my path, as does my relationship with Brigid (or Bridhe or whichever other spelling you want.)

When I first embarked on this path, it was because I wanted to be more familiar with the spirituality of my ancestors. my immediate ancestors were varieties of Christian (Evangelical, Catholic, or Methodist) but i wanted to go back further. One branch was Irish and since that was the cool white ethnicity i explored it. The others were varieties of German and English, which in my mind had historical baggage i didn't then want to engage with.

So from the beginning, Bridhe was it.  even when I meandered into heathenry later (having made some peace with that ancestry) and even Vodoun for a bit, she was a constant.  I became a flame keeper (next shift February 11).  I made sure I had a fire pit at my new home, I have three shrines (two indoors and one outdoors). I went to every Bridhe workshop and ritual.  When I was briefly a member of ADF's Brigid special interest group another member made me a stole which I treasure.  I have both a silver and a gold Brigid's cross, and we have a three-armed Brigid's cross over our back door.  I've even worked with her in a possession intensive with Diana Paxson at Sirius Rising a few years ago.  

So yeah...Imbolc is special.

Imbolc is also special because of my connections to community.  My coven officially "convened" for the first time at Imbolc, um...19.....1995 maybe?  We're still mostly together but trying to find time to get together is difficult.

The very first ADF rite I ever attended was Three Cranes Grove's first Imbolc rite (in 2001) and had never felt that connected in a ritual before.  I had found my spiritual home (3CG), and even with all the "challenges" it remains so; the ritual style still speaks to me (and I can definitely envision my ancestors doing something like it).

Alas, this year, it was not to be my year. I seldom miss an Imbolc rite.   The circle didn't seem to be up for one.  And unfortunately, my work schedule changed to Sundays...which means no druid rite.  It had me rather pouty in going to work.

BUT... I managed to sustain the Imbolc vibe anyway.  I listened to my friend Mike's new EP  (which you should all totally download on the way to and from work. It was the perfect length each direction.  I also listened to another grove friend's Imbolc music playlist while at work. So that made me feel connected to my grove and my goddess.  It made me feel less pouty.

Moral of the story: There is often more than one way to honor a high day.  Be creative, be patient, be practical, and just do it.  It's so worth it.


  1. Love this! I always feel like I crash/coast my way into Imbolc, unmoored and exhausted with nothing left in my soul. Imbolc is my ending point, from which I refill and begin again. It is the last gas station on a lonely road and I am running on fumes when I get there. I'm glad you found a way to fill up again even if you couldn't get to the big-named station with all the automized pumps.


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