September Equinox-a-Long Day 2: Spirits of protection

There are usually many predictions of what the weather will be like for the coming season, be it hurricanes or blizzards.  Thanking the spirit/god one sees as protecting either humanity in general or your own residence is appropriate. I usually thank Thor for seeing me through the Summer (and Winter) and asking for his blessings and protection for the coming Winter (or Summer), with ale and porridge for an offering. 

But first, the actual equinox arrived around here bright and, actually DARK and early at 3:50 a.m. I had set my alarm for 3:45 a.m. When it went off, I changed my mind about this, but then had to get up to answer "nature's call."  By then it was 3:47, and I figured I may as well do it anyway.  I lit the candles, and meditated (as much as possible at that hour) on the season to come, and then broke the stick when the alarm sounded at 3:50.  Then I went back to bed :)   (

Later this evening, then, we called upon Thor. Not only is he one of the Aesir, but he's also one of the patrons of our home that we honor in our weekly rites.  

I also called on Fenne, who is (allegedly) a sister of Aine and Grianne, in Irish Celtic mythology.  Unverified Internet Gnosis (UIG) has suggested Aine is the summer sun and Grianne is the winter sun, but is silent on where that leaves Fenne.  A friend speculated that Fenne could be thought of as the Liminal Sun.  So in my sunrise/sunset prayers I refered to the sun as Fenne, and then tomorrow will refer to her as Grianne.

The old and and new corn dolly are introduced to each other.  The omen taken for "What protection should we take with us into the winter" was Ehwaz, to work in partnership with the Spirits.


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