September Equinox-a-Long Day 3: Blessings of the Season to Come

This last day, we ask for blessings for the season to come.

In the north, we will be honoring the deities or spirits that symbolize the rest and reflection of the winter, and the blessings of renewal it can bring.   I honored Skadhi and Ullr with whiskey (we were out of vodka), bison jerky, and dried berries, sharing our preparation of food for the coming winter with them.

For the southern hemisphere, we will be asking for the blessings of the coming season of planting, growth, and eventual harvest.   

The black netting will be removed from the winter altar and placed over the summer altar (after candles are extinguised).  The white candles are lit and a moment of quiet meditation in preparation for the wheel turning.  The old corn dolly is disposed of in a sacred manner, usually by fire either tonight or at a later time. The new corn dolly will be wrapped in incubation, as the spirit of my land rests and gets used to its new "skin." (Not appearing because the cats were SUPER interested in it.)

For the omen, I asked what was our path for the winter and got... Thurisaz.  As my spouse said "Ain't no way but the hard way."  The path forward is difficult but not impossible if we tread with care and take shelter when we need and find it.

Thank you for spending this station of the sun with me!


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