September Equinox-a-Long Day 1: Thanking the spirits of the previous season.

In the north, we would light a green and a yellow candle (or whatever you feel is appropriate) representing the fertility of the summer that is passing and for the harvest that is being brought in.  Offerings of produce, bread, and mead could be appropriate here, especially the last of the harvest. I usually honor Freyja and Freyr, as the Vanir, and gods of fertility and harvest (simplistically speaking), but I wanted to research any Celtic (specifically Irish-Gaelic) deities that would work. Unfortunately I am still looking.

In the south, honoring those of the winter months who are yielding the cold season of rest and renewal.  Offerings of vodka (because of association with northern lands), jerky, and other preserved items, representing the storage of food over the winter, are suggested in the blóts that inspired this.  I would honor Ullr and Skadhi. 

This year we offered green beans, rosemary, and basil from our garden, an apple (which honestly I got from Giant Eagle), bread that I made, and dandelion wine, also made by me.  You can see that I've also added the corn dolly that was in my garden for the season.  I plan on releasing the spirit of my land on Monday and inviting it to move to the corn dolly made this year. 

There's also the stick I may or may not break tomorrow morning, and a rune pulled for "lessons of the season that is ending." Which is Fehu, a good omen to harvest!


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