June Solstice-A-Long Day 8: Celebration of Snow/Rain

Good Day! And welcome to Day 8 of the Three Cranes Grove Solstice-a-Long! Today we honor the precipitation, in whatever form we see it, for the vital role it plays.

Light the previous candles and then light the eighth, placing the appropriate symbol and offering.

Image result for rain

Northern Hemisphere: Celebrate and honor the spirit of rain and summer storms.  When they aren’t too severe, we need them for our food! Place a symbol and maybe some ale for Thor (or other rain or storm deity). If the weather cooperates, collect rainwater and place it a bowl on the altar.

Image result for snow
Southern Hemisphere:  Celebrate and honor the spirit of ice and snow.  They are difficult, but even they have their place in the scheme of things.  Symbols of snow and ice and honoring Skadhi and Ullr.  If the weather cooperates, a bowl of snow can be placed on the altar.


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