Solstice A Long preparations

Remember how I said I was all down with sun worship?

Image result for SUN STATUE

 Because the ‘over culture’ for most of us is different in June than it is in December, this doesn’t end up being just a flip-side of the one we do in December.  The most obvious example is a big huge gift-giving holiday, but there’s also the flipping of the mundane calendar to a new year.  So there will be slight differences.

Again, the goal is a wave of druidy energy going around the world, 24 hours a day, for 12 days….
Earrach of Pittsburgh had a tradition I’ve adopted since his passing, and that is to break a stick at the exact moment of the solstice or equinox.  ( I did it in his honor for Autumn Equinox and I’m adding it in here.  Check the Internet for the exact time of the Solstice in your area, set an alarm, and break that stick!

As always, there is no mandate to follow this exactly, and feel free to change stuff up as suits your own understanding, inspiration, climate, or even mood. If you miss day, that’s okay, just jump right back in. The directions for each day makes suggestions for things to put on the altar for the season, but really all you need is a candle.  You can light twelve different ones, or use the same candle every night or day. In my experience night time devotionals make more sense for winter and daylight/morning for summer solstice (with the possible exception of Day 1), but that was just my experience so far.  YMMV!

If you are asking yourself if you’re doing it right, the answer is yes!

Basic outline:

6/20 Day 1: Ancestors/vigil (south)
6/21 Day 2: Solstice Day/vigil (north)
6/22 Day 3: Spirit of the season
6/23 Day 4: Purification of self
6/24 Day 5: Animal-Kin
6/25 Day 6: Child of Light OR Hero/Champion
6/26 Day 7: Feast of Fools/Feats of Skill
6/27 Day 8: Celebration of snow/rain
6/28 Day 9: Green-kins
6/29 Day 10: Hearth and Harvest
6/30 Day 11: Return of the Otherworld
7/1: Day 12: Celebration!


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