Happy Calendar-Lughnasadh (and reading)...LATE~!
Author's Note: I actually wrote this soon after August 1. And then I went about my merry way until I sat down to start the Autumn Equinox post. That was when I discovered I had neglected to hit the "Publish" button. I'm sure you all did well without the guidance, but now you can look backward and see if it was spot on or not. If you have heard me talk about the high days at all, you will know that the so-called 'cross quarter days,' the four Celtic fire festivals (Beltainne, Lughnasadh, Samhain, and Imbolc) I tend to celebrate them based on what my land is doing. I don't have a lot of land, only a few raised garden beds, and I'm definitely not dependent on them for my survival. But I have this romantic notion that these holidays were not fixed to a specific date on a calendar (that likely did not exist), but that the holy day happened based on certain things going on in the agricultural cycle . The "date" of which might have varied f...