Midsummer Reading

Yes, I see the date on the calendar.  I actually did it about three to four days afterward and between flitting here and there with festivals and such, well....

Still, the patterns and energies are still there, so for completeness' sakes.....

Again, I'm using the Druid Plant/Animal Oracles combined.  The significator or keynote for the Midsummer to Lughnasadh period is "Celtic Bean."  The first sentence describing the meaning of this card is "Something which you thought was dead has come back into your life in a new form." After the reconciliation of the last six weeks (Beltainne to Midsummer), the fruits of that burst forth in this one.  Projects get restarted or something that was long forgotten comes back to light, and some of these things may do so in unexpected ways.

From the mental, intellectual side, the card is Owl.  (One of my favorites!)  Owl respresents wisdom, and especially that of turning "disadvantage into advantage."  This can be especially be true when dealing with the unexpected.  Whatever this arc of the wheel brings, you can handle it and use it to enhance this new direction.  The owl is also a bird of the night, and has associations with all sorts of folklore related to the Otherworld in many cultures, so perhaps drawing from those sources will help.

The south, location of your sensual and instinctual side, brings us Yarrow.  Yarrow reminds us to be faithful and hold true to people, values, ideas, and in the south, trust your instincts about how best to do this.

From the west, the Wren influences our emotional and feeling side.  Wren represents both humility and cunning, both of which require keeping one's emotions under control.  Sometimes being open about one's feelings is a good thing, but other times being more selective about when and where you do so is wise, and this is one of those times.

From the north then, your intuitive and spiritual side, is the Swan.  Swan is associated with Angus mac Og, a god who is associated with love and beauty.  Nurture your appreciation of all things beautiful, and approach this new phase (be it project, relationship, whatever), as an act of love.  Remember, love is a verb!

As an aside, there's a significant number of birds in this reading.  Birds fly upward so they have a special connection to the Shining Ones (gods and goddesses).  This eighth of the year, paying special attention to your relationship with He/She/It/They (however you see it) will be important.

Happy (belated) Midsummer!


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