Spring Equinox 2013

And not a moment too soon!  Technically, there is an hour and ten minutes before the sun and earth and relevant celestial bodies are in the right spot for the Vernal Equinox to occur.  And the sun just finally came out for a bit...but not for long. The temperature does not exactly scream spring, but it is also not freezing for a change.  I am also on spring break from my day job, and have spent the last two days preparing for a home Spring Equinox rite.

I prefer to refer to almost all of the solar days by their astronomical names, with the exception of Yule. I have no idea why this is.

Druidry, as ADF practices it, is a religion of action.  The central concept is one of hospitality with the spirits (called by us the Three Kindreds).  We give offerings (or sacrifices....a topic for another post is the difference between the two) at nearly all rites, and ask for blessings in return.

In my own practice, this happens at my daily devotionals, our weekly hearth family rite, and then high day and moon rites.  Or would, if I actually got to them as often as I wish!

My parents recently gave me my childhood Easter decorations.  Old stuffed rabbits and chickens, those plastic eggs, baskets, "Easter grass."  I have a basket and grass out, a candle ring of eggs around the table, and real eggs hardboiled and ready for dying. We were going to do the natural dye thing but ran out of time for trying to figure out ALL the various directions.  Boil the eggs with the dying material, boil first then dye, leave them over night, use vinegar, don't use vinegar.  Sheesh.  Paas it is, with a promise to myself to 'do better' next year.

And really, that is the only promise we can ever make.  Spring is a time of renewal, of finally opening the windows so our houses can start to smell a little less like a bunch of animals and humans live there.  Airing things out my refer to physical cleaning, getting rid of bad habits, or clearing away old grievances (with care).  Much like any 'fresh start,' we all begin with good intentions and maybe even goals that are out of our reach.  Maybe a more appropriate approach would be "For the next six weeks (until Beltane) I promise to try to do better."  (Even those celebrating Lent know we're only human, and Sundays are exempt!  And for the same amount of time too..hmmm..)

I leave you with a snippet of what we'll be doing later (cultural specifics removed).

To the gods and spirits of winter, I give you honor. I thank you for the lessons of stillness and quiet. I thank you for the snow melting into the ground that nourishes the land.  I thank you for the beauty of the snow glittering under a full moon.  I thank you for the mystery of snow rollers.  I thank you for not being worse than you could have been.

To the Stormy One, you who stand between humanity and the forces of nature, we thank you for protecting us through the winter.  We understand that the rain is needed during the coming season, so we ask that it fall gently.  We understand sometimes storms may be needed, and we ask for your protection during them.

To the gods/spirits of spring and of the growing earth, we welcome you.  May all green and growing things be strong and prolific.  May the animals raise their young to health and strength.  May we work with you to grow our lives towards greater understanding and and peace.


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