Know Thyself

One of the key things about any spiritual or magical undertaking seems to be this one.  Know thyself.  Who am I?  By way of introductions for those who don't know me, here we go.

First and foremost, I am a Child of the Earth.  I mean this literally.  There is a chant I learned early on in my pagan days that goes:

Earth my body
Water my blood
Air my breath and
Fire my spirit
I think that sums it up fairly well.  There are a whole bunch of other meditations and conceptualizations connecting the human body to various aspects of nature, mirroring the creation of the cosmos in some mythologies out of the body of the primal being.

I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, godmother, daughter-in-law, great-aunt (oy), and friend.  I'm not always so successful at all of those all the time, what with the being human and all.  But I place great store by my place in the social web.  I try to be loyal and supportive; but I am also not a doormat.  I don't turn the other cheek; I would rather withdraw from a relationship that is negative than stay and pretend it's all good.  And I have.  Some don't get that, but that's okay.

I am a teacher, a learner, a scholar.  It's not just my day job, either.  I love to learn new things, and then share that knowledge with others.  I love to debate and discuss ideas, to have the boundaries of what I think I know pushed and stretch, and to do the same for others.  I firmly believe that when you stop learning, you stop growing.

I am a druid and a witch. I am a druid in that I honor the three kindreds:  the gods, the spirits, and the ancestors.  I give them sacrifice that I may get blessings in return for me and mine.  I am a witch in that I believe that I can use my energy and the natural energy around me to shape outcomes.  I serve the kindreds and the community.

I am a seer, a warrior, and a healer. Well... I am at least heading that direction.  Part of this blog and this whole project is to move me along that path.

And, that's what I hope to do with all this.  Feel free to email questions, and I'll answer them here.


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