Catching up!!



Post festival droop is a real thing. I had wanted to do a review of the latest  festival I attended, Sirius Rising, but I jumped right into a surprise party planning and execution, and juggling family and misdirection, and haven't had a chance to really GROUND back in to the mundane.  I'll be heading to another one next week, so I need to get some stuff off the blog-plate.

First, we moved into both a new calendar month and a new spot on the wheel of the year, at the same time.  The rune pulled at Yule for August was Ingwaz which is about the best rune you could pull for the beginning of the harvest!  Literally the name of an Anglo-Saxon deity, and associated also with Freyr, this rune can sometimes be about fertility but also about the frith and fellowship that comes with the harvest. This is the time for fairs, and I'll do another post some day comparing ancient and modern fairs, but both are about larger communities coming together, to meet, to make decisions, to share skills and talents, and yes, to begin the harvesting of flock and fields.  Now that it's half way through August, what are you harvesting?   When and where can you make connections with the larger community?

I know, I know....peopling is hard.  We are a social species however, and isolation is not healthy.  Do what you can now... winter is coming.

For Lughnasadh, I had pulled Borage (Borrach in Gaelic).  Borage means "courage" especially that courage of seeking the greater good, opening your heart and moving past personal slights and errors of judgment by others.  Where can you be courageous this season? Where can you bravely help and support others, even those who are acting thoughtlessly and carelessly. Everyone fights their own struggles, and we are sometimes inelegant about it.  Extending grace to them is a courageous act in and of itself.


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