Lunar Astrology for June 2023

Crescent Moon in a dark cloudy sky

With this "moonth" we are becoming out of sync with the zodiac signs, which is fine, really. It happens every so often.  I haven't checked to see when it syncs up again.  So we are starting with the sun sign in Gemini and then it moves into Cancer on June 21.  We should be finishing up the intellectual, analytical energy of Gemini and then move into riding the emotional waves of Cancer.

The new moon is almost exactly at midnight (12:37 to be precise) on June 18. For me, I love it when things line up this way.  For me, a new moon at midnight is an extremely powerful time and I'm going to try to take advantage of it (if I can stay awake).

The sun and moon are both in Gemini, as I mentioned.  There's a fusion between external, solar pulls and internal lunar pushes to be analytical and rational about the goal you set or direction you take for this month.  Again, I recommending finding a transit chart (ask me how!) so you can see what house this takes place in for you.  For me, this falls in my Third House of siblings and neighbors, communications, writing, speaking, everyday transportation, written tests, study, short trips (and other things probably) so during this moonth I should focus on that

The First Quarter takes place on June 26, and sees the moon in Libra and the sun now in Cancer. So it's a good thing that we laid a rational ground work because now there can be friction between the Libra's desire for negotiations and fairness, with a definite eye towards harmony, and the sun in Cancer which can heighten emotional sensitivity.  Negotiations can be hard.

The Full Moon is on July 3, with the Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Cancer.  The tension here is between, again the Cancer Sun is on nurturing, love, emotions, etc. and a Capricorn Moon's focus on self sufficience and practicality. You can have both! 

The Last Quarter then is on July 9, and the Moon has now moved into Aries. Aries is the CONSUMMATE individualist, so again more friction between that and Cancer's love of togetherness.

This moonth therefor is looking difficulty with out pulls towards emotional connection, but an inner landscape that is pushing to recognize your own individual ideas and needs.  I believe that rituals that enhance both your boundaries and your connections to others (not the oxymoron it appears) would be useful.


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