2020 Runic Forecast

As usual, I pulled a rune for each of the Twelve Nights of Yule that we just finished (or 12 Days of Litha, if you prefer).  Each rune was pulled after the spirit of that day was honored, except for days 10 and 11, because I had a really hectic time with family those days.  Those got pulled before the sumble, and the Twelfth Night rune was pulled after we did the three rounds.

I did NOT pull a rune for the year all together (a keynote or significator). Everyone has their own path, and hopefully by now you know what yours is for the year. (If not...contact me!)

So, without further ado...

January -- Algiz

Interestingly enough the beginning of the year brings the rune of protection, and given the way the year has started, with the drums of war beating, it makes more sense to me than it did on the first night of Yule.   The protection here is divine; Algiz is associated with swan maidens and valkyries, so look to your spirits for insight on how to best protect you from the emotional roller coaster of this first month (really, days) of 2020.

February -- Kenaz

From under the protective wings of your spirits, you can begin to seek out the best direction to head.  If you're like me, you made some resolutions (formal or otherwise), and while January's advice may have been to pause to get your bearings, now it's time to emerge and start down your path for the year.  I always liken Kenaz to a modern flashlight; we use it to search for things in the dark.  So start searching for the direction to go because in March....

March -- Naudhiz

The rune for Naudhiz resembles the two sticks one rubs together to get a fire started, and March is now the time to do this. Most people are done with their resolutions by mid February, but remember, we got a late start!  That's okay though!  The energy of Naudhiz in March supports your endeavors to light your own fire.

April -- Perthro

April is spring time here in the north, and the energy now is of getting together with others. The Dice Cup could be an integral part of gaming, and fostering connections and collegiality with others. So come on out of the winter and into the spring. Take a chance on whatever socializing is more than your usual. If you're an introvert, that can mean maybe coffee with one other person; if you're a social butterfly, try some new venues to meet people.  Keep a special eye out for those with advise (or warnings) related to what your path is this year.

May -- Berkano

The poplar tree shoots up from it's roots, providing lots of opportunities. The birch tree was used in saunas for purification. May is about all sorts of opportunities that need to be weeded through, discarding those that aren't helpful, and keeping those that are.  Busy busy busy!

June -- Dagaz

All is clear when the sun breaks through the clouds.  The answers to your questions will come easily, and you will know with certainty the direction that you must take.  Be careful though, to not be blinded by that which shines too brightly.

July -- Ehwaz

In July, we renew our connection to our spirits. In January, we sheltered under their protection; in July we work with spirit in partnership, as a horse and rider work together.  Sometimes, they will guide us more intentionally, other times they will let us go, always there as an anchor if we go too far from where we want to be.

August -- Othala

The rune Othala reflect ancient lands, farms that were passed from generation to generation, and is a rune of ancestry, but also boundaries.  In August, we may need to reinforce those boundaries, having expanded them in April.  We will have learned the lessons we needed to, and now it's time to begin to reflect on these and how they relate to your path this year.  For that, you may need to firm up those boundaries, and decide when you can push through them. 

September -- Laguz

Water is associated with wisdom, and I always associate Laguz with the wells at the base of Yggdrasil, holding all the world's knowledge and wisdom.  Likewise, we all have our own, inner well of wisdom.  Take the lessons of the year so far and see how they can be integrated with your own past experiences and knowledge, to increase and enhance your own intuition.

October -- Uruz

In the Norse and Icelandic poems, Uruz refers to the dross or slag that comes out of the process of shaping and making.  Once you've taken the lessons of the year to your own inner well, it's time to integrate them even more into your life, in whatever way that is meaningful.  Uruz is a lot like the Temperance card on the Tarot, taking two (ore more) things and melding them together into something new and useful.  Good for the harvest time!

November -- Eihwaz

Eihwaz calls on us to renew our connection to the worlds of spirit and this world, however you see them.  At the beginning of November we're connecting with our ancestors at Samhain, and as we go towards winter (in the North), it's time to turn inwards, reflect on not just our path and the lessons learned there, but also our place in our cosmology, and connection with the divine however we see it.

December -- Ingwaz

 I will admit, I was at first puzzled by Ingwaz, but then I remembered my own experience with Ing (Freyr) as a god of peace and frith. While those things are called for in a month of social gatherings with friends and family, whether we want to be with them or not sometimes, I feel this is calling on us to bring those qualities into all parts of our world.  I also hope that this is a positive end to a year that has started off on some pretty stressful footing, and that we will all (humanity, not just those reading this) be able to enjoy those qualities and energies that this rune brings.


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