2019 Solstice Reading (January to June)

Twelfth Night Altar
We pulled a rune for each of the nights of Yule.  In my head, I was thinking that each rune would be for a month, BUT THEN, I realized two things:
  1. I was going to do it all again in June for Midsummer, a mere 6 months away rather than a whole year.
  2. My philosophy, based on nothing more than a hunch, is that long-term readings are only for about 6 months into the future. There's just too much other stuff out there that can impact the energies for me to feel comfortable going out any further than that. As with everything, others' mileages may vary.
Therefore, each night was still a rune pull, but the pairs of runes will go through the first half the year.

One last caveat, I also believe that all runes are in play at all times, but that at certain times, some move to the forefront.

January:  Fehu - Ehwaz

The new year starts off with extra fire and energy, and perhaps a little extra in our wallets, too. Fehu's abundance extends beyond the financial though, and our creative juices should be flowing, brimming with new ideas, new directions, and new plans. Ehwaz is a rune of partnership, one where it's necessary to be clear who is the horse and who is the rider, and so it's possible that in bringing the energies of Fehu into action, you may need to either take the reigns, so to speak, or perhaps listen to the commands of the rider in guiding you to the best place to focus.

February:  Ansuz - Jera

Ansuz is the rune of Odin, and also of communication and travel.  To continue the theme, it may be necessary to go outside normal channels to get your goal moving ahead.  Whether that means a new geographic location, new Internet presence, whatever... February is when to do it. But recall that you get out of anything what you put into, and Jera reminds us that if we don't follow through, we won't get the rewards we want.

March: Perthro - Mannaz

Perthro and Mannaz both speak to the importance of community, both on the individual level (mannaz) and en masse (perthro).  Our ancestors were communally-focused, and whatever idea you have that you're working on, taking it to the community is important. Maybe you need to get feedback for approval, or maybe you need to get additional information to keep going forward. Sometimes our projects need to be seen to be completed (as in art or music).  Whatever it is, seek input from your community at this time.

April: Raidho - Thurisaz

Raidho is the journey and the wheel of the wagon.  Thurisaz can be an obstacle that is not insurmountable, but must be handled with care so that one doesn't get pricked by the thorns.  Keep going on your project or endeavor, but understand there will be bumps in the road. A sure hand on the reigns can maneuver the wagon around and over these bumps safely, but only if you're alert and paying attention.

May: Naudhiz - Algiz

We continue the theme of effort that is implied in April.  Naudhiz is the bow drill and you can rekindle the flames from Fehu in January, but only if you work at it.  There's a saying that nothing worthwhile comes without effort. I am on the bubble as to how true that saying is, but I do know I am much more successful when I actually work on things as opposed to letting them happen organically.  Maybe you are too? The energy of Algiz offers us protection and safety, both in life in general, and to approach deity or spirit for guidance. Perhaps a little divine inspiration can give you the push you need, or even help take up the work if needed.

June: Othala - Hagalaz

As we head into Midsummer, we reach to runes that kind of contradict each other. Othala refers to land, ancestral wealth, and the stability of being in that space.  Hagalaz, is the very antithesis of unstable, with its very sudden, abrupt, and unavoidable change. With these two juxtaposed in the same month, June is a time when the boundaries of Othala are shaken up.  Whether you do the shaking yourself or let it happen is up to you, but either way ...  forewarned is forearmed, so get ready for things to get rocky, but always remember.  The hailstone clears away that which is no longer needed and then melts into the earth.  With a little agency on your park, maybe you can direct the hailstorm to the things you decide you don't need anymore.


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