Last Moonth of the Year

It's a DOOZY too. Starts off with a solar eclipse, and then full moon around Samhain. It's also our last "moonth" of the year, as if you're following the same version of the wheel of the year that I do, Samhain is the new year, so we'll start the cycle again. I may or may not keep up with the astrology stuff, I may change my tune and emphasize something else. 

So as we start, The sun is in Libra, and so is the New Moon on Saturday, October 14. Libra is about partnerships and balance, and yes, justice, but maybe not with a capital J. We can spend a lot of time trying to make sure everyone is treating us JUST RIGHT, but remember as scales balance, they sort of wobble back and forth, one side lower and the other higher. The sun and moon, our outward and inner selves, these are things we often strive to keep in balance, sometimes giving too much, and other times pulling back too far, but always returning to that equilibrium. Whatever house this is in for you maybe indicate the focus, and this is a good time to set the intention related to that for this moonth.

The First Quarter is on October 21, with Sun Libra and Moon in Capricorn. The friction is between our outer balance and our inner need to set boundaries and get to work. It can be easy to get stuck, and not let those scales get back to equilibrium, so the first quarter guard against too much reliance on routine, or maybe too little. 

 Full Moon is Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus on October 28. Taurus moon has an inner need for comfort and stability, but Scorpio sun is an outer self pull towards transformation and change. Finding that balance for the tension between these two pulls is the goal. (This is the same date as our store Samhain ritual, so we'll be incorporating these themes with the usual themes of Samhain.) 

 Last quarter moon is Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Leo, on November 5. Leo is the showman of the zodiac, so inwardly the push to shine is on! The friction is still with those energies of transformation in Scorpio, that may make shining less about the joy of new discoveries, and more about bragging or boasting? My moonth is spending a lot of time in the Seventh House of relationships and partners so magic and meditation can be towards those ends.

(Sorry for no snappy picture....the semester is in crazy-time!)


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