Coming into Leo Season!

Lake Michigan

I know I should have something more astrologically pertinent, but that is my current view out my window in Chicago :) 

ANYWAY, we are heading into Leo season, but we have to say farewell to Cancer first. The New Moon is in Cancer on July 17, so our intention and focus for the month could be on nurturing, feelings, emotions and empathy, especially as related to which house in your chart this falls. So, for example, mine falls in my Fifth House which has to do with creativity, arts, and even romance. In fact, my sun will be in this house the entire moonth!  

First quarter is on July 25, and the Sun will have moved into Leo and is square the Moon in Scorpio.  The friction here is between being showy and dramatic, focusing on external performance and presentation and focused intensity and control of Scorpio, suggesting to work from inside ourselves to see what the best direction it may be to go. 

The Full Moon on August 1, with Leo Sun opposed to Aquarius Moon.    The tension here is between creative self-expression and group expression, and getting those to work harmoniously together. We all have to live and work in groups!

Additionally, this is Lammas, or Lughnasadh! More on that in a later post.

The Last Quarter is August 8.  Here the Leo Sun and Taurus Moon friction is between being the extroverted performer and staying in your comfort zone.

Set those intentions :)



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