Gemini Season

crescent moon glowing in dark black sky
Photo by Rok Romih:

I probably should explain that I see Dark Moon and New Moon as different.  Dark moon is when the moon isn't visible at all. It is, for me, akin to Midnight, and so is neither one day or the next, but a liminal point between the two days. 

Dark Moon for me is also a liminal point between two months.  The New Moon is the visible crescent, that first sliver, that indicates the new month.  

Between light pollution and obscured horizons where I live, I tend to rely on apps, ephemeri, almanacs, and the like for my timing.  AS always, your mileage may vary and do what works for you.

So anyway...

The dark moon started Friday evening, but I honor the new moon today (Saturday), as the crescent (for me) is what counts as "new moon."  The moon had us in Taurus, but on Saturday (today) the new moon is in Gemini.   A good time for intellectual pursuits.  Gemini energy can be restless, curious, and intellectual, always seeking new things, new information going for the new shiny.  This moonth will have energies to support that. A key phrase for Gemini is "I think," so set your intention.

What do you want to think about?

The first quarter moon is on May 27. The Sun is square the Moon in Leo.  Outwardly, you're engaged, analytical, seeking new information through maybe research, communication, and intellectual pursuits related to whatever thinking about.  But the drive to know and explore all the things, a sometimes solitary pursuit, has friction with Leo Moon's need to be in the spotlight, to present everything you know.  Your inner self wants that attention.

The Full Moon on June 3 has Gemini sun's intellectual aim opposed to and in tension with Sagittarius Moon's explorer drive, your outward analytical mind and your inner intuitive mind.  You will likely need both as you learn about your goal this month.

The Last Quarter Moon is on June 10, 2023.  Gemini Sun is still analyzing, but now it's square Pisces moon.  This is a good follow up from Sagittarius Full Moon intuition bent, and so the friction is between going TOO much into your intuition and dreamland.  

This moonth is all about the learning process, and navigating through too much expression (Leo) and too much feeling (Pisces), keeping the intellect and intuition (Sagittarius) in balance.


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