New Year Reading Samhain 2022

 We had a fantastic trick or treat on Halloween. The house decorations have never looked better:


After we took everything down (to save it from possible "tricks" should our neighborhood bribes not have been accepted) and we finally got some dinner, I decided to do a reading for the coming year. The intention was for it to be a very generic, community-in-general based reading, but as with many, I can certainly find some personal insight. Maybe you can too?

The reading was with the combined Druid Animal and Plant Oracles. There are probably copywrite issues that won't let me post the picture of each card, but you can do an Internet search for them with your favorite search engine.

Keynote:  Horse  (Each) – The Goddess/The land/Travel

The "theme" of the year is a time of travel or journeying, either physically or spiritually.  The Goddess brings us the energy from both land and sun for this work.  For community a time to look at where we are going and how to get to where we want to be.  

The journey will start with joy and hope, but nothing worth doing is without difficulty.  Challenges will quickly emerge, and a difficult time is coming.  Forewarned is forearmed!! And  keeping our focus at center of that which is truly important and truly connects us can help remind us what the bigger picture is, and that will be worth it and clear by next Samhain.

Samhain-to-Yule:  Bee (Beach) – Community/Celebration/Organization

This eighth of the year sees an emphasis on rejoicing and celebrating where we are, and if we take the journey theme, it's perhaps also a time to sit back and marvel at exactly how far we have come as a community.  We may have different paths, but our reverence for the Earth both practically and spiritually links us, and we can draw upon that common center.  I am seeing Earth as our "queen" and we are both her children and in service to her.

Yule-to-Imbolc: Wheat (Cruithneachd) – Harvest/Nourishment/Abundance

The time of focusing on our specific hard work that leads to this space, taking stock of what we can keep doing that bears fruit.  Wheat also speaks to abundance, and any abundance also goes hand in hand with generosity. How can we be more generous in community? Generosity of spirit or generosity of treasure; either or both, the next step is giving back.

Imbolc-to-Ostara:  Fir Club Moss (Garbhag an t-slèibhe) – Initiation/Beginnings/Power

Very appropriate to have this card at Imbolc, a time of initiation for many.  Who knows what the generosity of the prior eighth will spark?  Following that spark can lead to an amazing new direction; seek some clarity from both individual guides and community ones as well. 

Ostara-to-Beltainne: The Guardians (Elder Ruis; Hawhthorn Huath; Birch Beith) – Immunity/Strength/Longevity

This new direction will not be the easiest of roads, but we are built from folks that don't back down from challenges.  Taking action especially to preserve our community connections is an important step.  Instead of separating from each other, work towards those commonalities and find strength there.

Beltainne-to-Litha:  Ivy (Eidheann) – Prophecy/Connection/Death and rebirth

We may need to seek inspiration more directly from our spirit to clarify and remind us of our path.  It is time to be still and identify what it is that is the real challenge, and look to ourselves rather than others to identify our limits.  Look to ourselves first, and then to our connections.

Litha-to-Lughnasadh:  Goose (Gèadh) reversed – Vigilance/Parenthood/Productive Power

Being careful to not cling to tightly to concerns about rights, possessions, or territories.  Another card suggesting to look to ourselves first.  Think of the Canada goose that refuses to move for the car; that may not work well for the goose even if they are "in the right."  Letting perfect be the enemy of good is a danger here.

Lughnasadh-to-Haelig*:  Borage (Borrach) – Reversed:  Caution/Inner Courage/Coming to terms with suffering

A wise man once wrote "If you choose not to decide, you still have a choice."  Moving cautiously, and NOT acting can be just as brave as leaping into the fray.  Sometimes bad things happen even when everyone is doing the right thing, so avoid impulsive decisions or actions.

Haelig-to-Samhain: Cow (Bò) – Nourishment/Motherhood/The Goddess

Blessings and nourishment from the Goddess all around. We are protected from harmful influences, and to the stream of nourishing energy flowing from her.  We don't need to do anything, it will happen.  It may be then we can see why we were challenged and how we have grown stronger.

*I know why it's called Mabon; in my personal practice I stick with the Anglo-Saxon month names.


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