2017 Forecast

As part of the Twelve Days of Yule, I pulled a rune each day to get an omen for each month of the coming year.  While I report what I see, it's entirely possible that anyone reading this will get a different interpretation, based on their own life-path.  Please take these things as general trends.

Overall -- Raidho.  The over all theme of the year is the journey.  It can be a physical journey, or travel, but I feel this is about something much more spiritual and internal that will happen.  Many people may experience a re-awakening or discover a new interest in the realm of their spirituality, or other things they strongly believe.  They may become more politically active.  Whatever the direction, it is good to remember "The point of the journey is not to arrive" (Peart, "Prime Mover").

January -- Hagalaz.  No one likes Hagalaz, it's not all bad.  Hagalaz is the seed egg, the whole of potential contained into one small package.  It is the catalyst that is necessary for the big changes to happen. Big Changes sometimes require space, and so Hagalaz is the sudden and unavoidable clearign of the way, so those changes can take place.

February -- Isa.  I always call this one the most complicated rune, even though the symbol is not.  After the "big changes" of January, in February Isa counsels patience and waiting. Forcing things through is like walking on ice...you can't always tell if it will hold your weight.  Best to stay put or find another way.

March -- Tiwaz.  Patience in February is rewarded by a knowledge of the direction to take in March.   It may be that there are several possibilities, but only one will be the correct one. Choose your way wisely.

April -- Eihwaz.  Like the world tree, Eihwaz is about strength.  It's about being rooted and connected, and draw upon that connection to withstand challenges and persevere.  The direction indicated in March requires strength, and that strength is within us.

May -- Sowilo.  The sun shines brightly and reveals all.  Shadows flee and that which was once hidden is now know.  We are victorious when we rid ourselves of the secrets that still lurk to get in our way.

June -- Algiz.  The swan and the elk-sedge (Elhaz, it's other name) bring us protection.  I like to think this rune speaks to both steps we can take on our own for protection, and also from the divine as well, and in this case it feels like we should call upon both.  Be proactive, rather than reactive, because...

July -- Thurisaz.  The thorns are sharp and pointy, and they hurt...BUT they are not impossible.  Thurisaz is the obstacle, but it's an obstacle that can be over come, if you're ready (remember Algiz last month?) and careful.  Take your time, and go through whatever the process is.

August -- Ehwaz.  The horse and rider are partners.  They aren't quite unequal, but each has a strength they have to manage to make the partnership work. The rider has the reigns, and usually determines where to go and how fast. The horse goes along...although she could easily throw the rider off.  Look to the role of partnerships like this, and see if you're the horse or the rider, and if that's the best role to have.

September -- Perthro.  The joy of community, and the connection of others.  The dice cup refers to games played in meadhalls, a form of entertainment.  Today we can have similar connections to draw upon in times of need, or just to celebrate our triumphs.

October -- Berkano. The birch branches purify, and remove all negativity in the saunas.  Purge and remove those things standing in your way, especially those things within.  We can only control ourselves, so that is where we can do the most with Berkano.

November -- Ingwaz.  Ing/Freyr has been associated with the growing grain, in the myth of the wooing of Gerdh. In the poem he arrives from the east, so may have solar associations (although not a sun god).  He is going west, to ward the land of the Vanir, and is also associated with frith and peace.  November should be a time therefor of harvesting  the results of the year's works, and having a sense of peace and calm as the winter draws on.

December -- Laguz.  The deepest waters house all the wisdom of the worlds. So too, we have our own inner wells of wisdom, and the experiences of this year get added to that, to enhance our own storehouses of wisdom. Reflection on all that has transpired, what has been learned, what has been released... all activities prepare us for the coming year.


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