2016 Forecast

PSA:  I will be starting a 4-session rune class at Enchanted Elements starting Wednesday, December 9.  Follow that link to enroll.  there will be 4 sessions:

  1. Introduction to Norse cosmology
  2. Freyr's Aett (first 8 runes)
  3. Hodr's Aeitt (second 8 runes)
  4. Tyr's Aeitt (final 8 runes)
PSA2: I will be at Pure Joy Massage and Yoga on December 19 for readings, reiki, and a workshop/meditation on the spiritual gifts of Winter.

And now, on to the forecast.

I like to do two of these...one centered on the 8 High Days (solar year) and one for each month (lunar year).  This one is done using the Druid Plant and Animal Oracle.  As always you can search for the images if you like, to see what meanings you can draw from them personally.   In keeping with the sort of Jungian interpretation (I know not exactly), for the Solar year I focus on what energies are go come for the community at large, although I've often found that people who read these get something specific to them out of it too.  (The lunar reading will focus more on inward stuff, and will likely support this reading in interesting ways, if past experience tells me anything!)  I'll start with Yule 2015 since that's closest to our New Year, and run through to Samhain 2016.

Overall:  Meadowsweet

The upcoming year is a time of celebration and transition!  Meadowsweet may have been used in the brewing of ale, often a celebratory act in and of itself.  Change is a constant, of course, but special attention to changes that are of a natural, progressive type is the hallmark of the coming year.

Yule 2015 -- Madder

Madder is a wild plant from southern Britain and Europe.  Madder suggests that a great change is coming, one that ought to be marked by some sort of celebration, a personal or communal rite of passage, reinforcing the keynote of Meadowsweet.  Not all change should be feared, and much is a natural, normal, and joyful part of life.  This doesn't mean that strength is not needed, but that the change needs not be approached with dread.

Imbolc 2016 -- Cat

Cats in the ancient world were even less domesticated than they are now (hard to imagine), and like our modern companions judged situations for themselves to do what was in their best interests.  We should be no different in the late winter months.  Cats wait, and watch, and perceive the imperceptible; and then decide.  We too should wait, watch, and be open to the small quiet messages our intuition sends us...then decide.

Spring Equinox 2016 -- Crane

If you have never watched a crane hunting, you should.  Cranes teach the value of perseverance (one of ADF's Virtues) and focus.  They patiently wait, watching the pool of water until their meal comes by.  They also bring a connection to the underworld, as cranes can help guide the spirits of the deceased.  The patience from Imbolc continues through the Equinox, as the we await signs of the Earth's awakening, and whatever is awakening within us as well.  (I wonder if this means a late start to spring? We shall see!)  Either way, once a decision has been reached during Imbolc, another time of patience follows.

Beltainne 2016 -- Betony

A prolific herb, Betony is valued for its healing properties, and the early summer of Beltainne brings with it a need or drive to heal old wounds and resolve conflicts.  Time allows the immediacy of hurts to fade, so we are more receptive to healing after some has past.  Betony also cautions to make sure that positive solutions are sought, and also to make sure we aren't sweeping things away that will just rear up to cause pain again.

Midsummer 2016 -- Frog

It always amazes me where things fall, and certainly I think of frogs singing me to sleep at festival in the summertime.  Frogs are liminal, at home in the water and on land, and midsummer is one of those liminal times.  Frogs too are associated with healing, and the knowledge and sensitivity that comes from new realizations.  As we know better, we do better, so we can go forward, renewed and refreshed.

Lughnasadh 2016 -- Ivy

Ivy's many twining leaves and branches can be seen as resembling the knotwork so loved by Celts and Norse, and I've often wondered if it was that which inspired it.  The Matthews' suggest the Druids connected Ivy with inspiration, and certainly following the knotwork or ivy as it weaves and wends around itself can be the kind of meditative activity that can bring new insights.  To get into that receptive state means untangling yourself from any thing remaining that is conflicting.  It feels very much like this is a time of resolution and preparation for new messages and energies.

Autumn Equinox 2016 -- Yarrow

Yarrow is associated with faithfulness, and can be a sign to retain faithfulness to a person, ideal, organization, etc., or that one needs to reconsider.  Either way, it is a time for a full and honest examination of those things, and an active one.  Yarrow is a masculine herb, so (to be Jungian for a moment) get in touch your strong, active, outward-focused self to aid in this process.  No one will do it for you.

Samhain 2016 -- Salmon

A wonderful omen to end the year with! Salmons are ancient signs of wisdom, and that the process of the year is bringing you to new wisdom and self-knowledge.  You may need to go against the grain, and it may feel like swimming upstream, but the reward which you seek is worth the effort.

Have a blessed 2016!


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