Insights for March and post-convocation reflections

Hi there folks,

I will get to our forecast for March in a moment.  Sadly, I can NOT tell if we are going to ever thaw out and if spring will actually spring or if this is really Ragnarok, as I keep fearing.  First though, I returned last weekend from Convocation in Michigan.  This is a really well done event, and I was glad to be presenting and participating.  My classes (Indo European Warrior Goddesses, and Coffee and Piety) were well attended.  (Coffee and Piety had three, but for early Sunday morning after the big Saturday night party, I will take that as a win.)  In the process, I discovered how blessed we are as pagans to have easy access, relatively speaking, to the "elders" of our faiths.  I put that in quotes, as I think I might be the same age as a few of them.  However, being able not only to sit in workshops with them as they present their information, but then also to be able have conversations afterward or the next day is something I am not sure lots of other religions have.

I was blessed to take part in the Oracular Seidh rite put on by Diana Paxson and Lorrie Wood, and to work closely with Elisheva Nesher and Sarenth Odinson.  And, I left with homework so that I may deepen my abilities both for myself and to see for my folk.  I am deeply grateful, humbled, and yes, a little hesitant.  But now is the time, and I'm really excited.

Now...what is out there for us for March?

To recap, our overview for 2015 is maintaining our groundedness and boundaries in the face of the unexpected.  The rune for March is Raidho.  Raidho is the journey, and I often line that up with the Chariot in the Tarot.  This month we are reminded that as we leave the fellowship of Perthro from February, we are in control of the direction we take.  There's a warning that the journey can be tedious, especially if we are not the one with the reigns, so being present and mindful will help.

The Druid Oracle Heather from Imbolc reminds us through the middle of the month to continue to celebrate the positive.  For those of us facing yet ANOTHER winter storm, that might be a stretch, but each day we can see the sun rising earlier and setting later.  The massive snows ensure water for our food and flowers.  At Spring Equinox the energy shifts to Burdock.  Burdock is a symbol of purification and harvest, but in this position it's the clearly away of anything negative.  Spring is (hopefully!) a time of planting, and one has to clear away the old matter for the new things to grow.  So too with us.  By focusing on the positive we can then identify the negative and notice that we didn't need it after all.  Negatives just distract us when those unexpected things (Poppies) come up!

So move forward, take the reigns and free yourself from all holding you back!


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