Spring Equinox 2013
And not a moment too soon! Technically, there is an hour and ten minutes before the sun and earth and relevant celestial bodies are in the right spot for the Vernal Equinox to occur. And the sun just finally came out for a bit...but not for long. The temperature does not exactly scream spring, but it is also not freezing for a change. I am also on spring break from my day job, and have spent the last two days preparing for a home Spring Equinox rite. I prefer to refer to almost all of the solar days by their astronomical names, with the exception of Yule. I have no idea why this is. Druidry, as ADF practices it, is a religion of action. The central concept is one of hospitality with the spirits (called by us the Three Kindreds). We give offerings (or sacrifices....a topic for another post is the difference between the two) at nearly all rites, and ask for blessings in return. In my own practice, this happens at my daily devotionals, our weekly hearth ...