Twelfth Night Divination for 2021
(I started this on 1/2 and then the world went kerblooey again....) Once again, I was happy to host a Twelfth Night Celebration and Sumbl at our house. Well, it was via Zoom. And there were a LOT more oaths this year, so we'll see :) The toasts were moving, the boasts were worthy, and the oaths were S.M.A.R.T. Because of the pandemic, it was all on line. I really hope we can be all together next year. I don't know why I can never center these! Throughout the Twelve Nights, I took an omen each night for the coming year, each one a rune to describe the energies for a month. So on the first night it was January, second night get the idea. I used Taren Martin's Anglo-Saxon deck, so some of the names may be different that you may be used to (and some don't appear in the Elder Futhark systems). My mind has been all a-jumble with all things pandemic and politics, and I don't see either of those ending any time soon. 2021 will be as challengin...