New Directions
Well, not that new. More like a new emphasis. The strength of polytheism, or one of the strengths, is that as one's focus changes, one can adapt one's practices. We learn, we grow, we change, we's not so much a path like a free way, but a rambly walk through the woods. I am reminded of this.... Not enough doubling back, though. Anyway, recently I've become kind of intrigued by a couple of things. First, I've become more enamored of making the path of the Sun a focal point of my liturgical cycle. The Equinox and Solstice multi-day devotionals are the most obvious example of those, but I also have downloaded an app to the phone that tells me when sunrise and sunset are. I've gotten pretty good at predicting sunrise time, but a little less so of sunset. Still, it's interesting to go "Isn't it about sunrise?" only to hear the alarm sound a few moments later. More on that later.... What I've been more interested in,...